Is your order not what you expected or need? Don’t worry, we’re here to help!
14-day unmodified return policy
You can only return items that are unused and unmodified within 14 days after you have received it. If this is the case, please follow the instructions on the return page.
Items that were used, fully unboxed, mounted or not in its original state will not be accepted for return.
In every case, the cost and risk of the return shipment are at your own expense.
Once we receive the returned item in its original state and package, we will provide you with a full refund. Please bear in mind that this process can take up to but no longer than 2 weeks.
Used or modified product return policy
In case something went wrong while you assembled or used your item, returns are no longer an option, but our support team is always ready to help you out! Please go to our technical support page.
If you return an assembled or used item to us, a refund is not possible.
In case you believe that your item has a manufacturing problem or if it is incomplete, please go to our technical support page and send us a message. We will repair or replace the defective materials as needed.
Damaged items
In the event that your purchased item was damaged during shipment, please send us a ticket via Include a detailed description and pictures of the damaged item and our customer service will arrange replacements.
Returning your order or a part of your order is at your own expense, except when we have delivered wrong goods or goods that are damaged. In those two cases you can send us an e-mail (contact customer care) and we will send you a retour ticket so you can return free of charge. Important: do not return damaged goods unless you have permission after contacting our customer care (
If you return your item(s), we’ll refund your purchase amount using the same payment method you used to purchase your item. For example, if you paid with VISA or Mastercard, we will refund this via VISA or Mastercard. Then you will receive a positive amount on the overview of your credit card payments. The payment term is a maximum of 3 weeks after receiving your return package.