You placed an online order and have not received a confirmation email? If your order is successful, you will almost immediately receive a confirmation email in your mailbox. If you do not receive this email, make sure it has not ended up in your spam folder. If you have not received a confirmation email there either, please contact us via Then we will check for you whether the order has passed in our systems. Sometimes it also happens that you made a typo when entering your email address when you placed the order, so that the confirmation email cannot be sent.
In the event that your purchased item was damaged during shipment, please send us a ticket via Include a detailed description and pictures of the damaged item and our customer service will arrange replacements.
Didn’t find the answer you were looking for? Check out our more elaborate Terms and Conditions of Sale document here.
In case you did not find the answer you were looking for in the options above, please send us a support ticket via and we will try to help you as soon as possible.
Describe your question or problem in English and if needed, include pictures. All information is of value to us to assess the matter.